JWM Attends the 6th Global AEO Conference

2024-05-13 18:00

Joy Wing Mau Group Attends the 6th Global AEO Conference Upon Invitation to Support High-quality Development of International Fruit Trade

The 6th Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Conference, organized by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and co-organized by the General Administration of Customs of China and the People's Government of Shenzhen, took place in Shenzhen from May 8th to 10th. For the first time, the highest level global AEO conference was held in China. Joy Wing Mau Group, one of the first fruit entities in Shenzhen to have obtained AEO certification and the very first to get a "group certification", was invited to attend the conference, showcasing both Joy Wing Mau's strength in connecting global fruit trade as an AEO-certified entity and Joy Wing Mau's contribution to globalization and high-quality development of fruit trade and a mutually beneficial, smooth and sustainable environment for global trade.


The 6th WCO Global AEO Conference was inaugurated in Shenzhen.

Over 1,200 representatives from government departments, international organizations, businesses and academia from more than 100 countries and regions attended the conference. Joy Wing Mau, the only fruit company participating in this event, was the first of its kind to enjoy benefits of the AEO system after obtaining the AEO Advanced Certification issued by the customs back in 2018. Earlier this year, Joy Wing Mau gained new momentum in international trade as two of its subsidiaries also obtained AEO certification.



On the "Global AEO Conference Media Open Day" in April 2024, Joy Wing Mau (third from right) was awarded an "AEO Enterprise" by the Shenzhen Customs as one of the three enterprises in Shenzhen obtaining AEO Advanced Certification.


Recognized internationally, AEO Advanced Certification represents the highest customs credit rating and enables the certificate holder to enjoy facilitation in customs clearance such as fast clearance, low inspection rates, and prioritized territorial inspections in case of AEO recognized countries and regions. As trade exchanges between China and other AEO recognized countries (regions) deepen, Joy Wing Mau, empowered by AEO's credibility, takes the leap to go global and continues to optimize its global supply chain by vigorously expanding into the emerging markets in the "Belt and Road Initiative" countries. So far, Joy Wing Mau has conducted fruit business in over 40 countries and regions globally and has become a leader in global fruit trade. By leveraging the benefits of the AEO system, Joy Wing Mau has built a green channel to transport premium fruits from around the world (such as Peruvian blueberry, Chilean cherry, New Zealand kiwi, and Thai durian) to China in a faster manner, ensuring that Chinese consumers can enjoy fresh, high-quality and healthy fruits.




Joy Wing Mau was interviewed by authoritative media, including CCTV Finance, People's Daily, Economic Daily, and Shenzhen TV as a representative advanced AEO-certified enterprise in Shenzhen. Above pictures are taken from CCTV's prime-time news broadcast and Morning News on May 8.


Joy Wing Mau strives to align with the world and share benefits with partners. As a showcase of the Customs' endeavor to help companies through AEO certification in recent years, Joy Wing Mau has been holding itself to AEO standards and enhancing compliant operation. Taking this global AEO conference as an opportunity, Joy Wing Mau elevates its credibility, global image, and international influence in domestic and international upstream and downstream supply chain and teams up with global partners to propel steady development of inclusive and sustainable global fruit trade.